Friday 2 November 2012

Holiday is about to start

After a long year we finally have a hot summer and what better than getting ready for a holiday.
I don't know how is it for you but for me is all about time spent with family and closer to the sea, with a nice sandy beach.
I am thankful to new technology, in this way I can keep in touch with my friends.  Some are heading to the beautiful Paris, some have returned from the sunny Italy, and some are going to Malta.
I am looking for the mornings when my children are still in bed and I can sneak out from my in-laws  house in Normandy, and start running for half an hour.  It is that half an hour which helps you revitalize your body, giving you the energy that you thought that is well forgotten.
After a week of running you feel ready to go to the sea and ready for long nights with children full of energy and no willingness to go to bed.
The running will have to continue if you are to maintain your level of energy.
I am counting the days and I hope that you are also waiting for your holidays to start or, if you are lucky,  you might have already started yours.
All is to be added is not to forget your e-book and enjoy the Sun!!!        July2013

Saturday 12 May 2012

New Government in Romania

The new government just instated has started to show its first weaknesses.
A minister of education that has been accused of plagiarism and, most recent, a foreign affairs minister allegedly  linked to the Russian president.
All these will come to raise  few questions about how credible can be this government?
In the eyes of the western world this must be a deja-vu .  However we have to recognise that changes have taken place and that Roumania has developed and continues to develop, with more companies investing in the country.
Big names such as Ford, Renault, IBM, are just some of the few companies that have invested millions.

What disappoints is that the country remains very corrupt, a country were doctors are asking for money from their patients.  Maybe they should be reminded that in the civilised world doctors are doing their duty and looking after their patients is the main reason why they have chosen to become doctors, saving lives without having to ask for money in return. Or maybe Roumania wishes not to join the civilised world. The solution is simple, the government has to pay the doctors decent wages.

As in the majority of Latin countries the corruption seem to remain epidemic and only a new generation might change these old habits.

I will finish by saying lets give a chance to this government and lets hope that everything is gong to be all right.

Saturday 14 January 2012

Economical unrest will lead to political unrest

The uncertitude in the financial world will lead to a very unstable world in the months to come. It started in Grece and will extend to countries like Italy, Spain and slowly countries from Eastern Europe will foll into this pattern. We are waiting for the politicians to take the right decisions and lead this world towards financial prosperity and further development. In this days when unemployment is raising and youngsters are not able to find a job, globalisation has reached a stand still. We were all counting on this Universal job market, flexible and open to opportunity. We are waiting for for the green light at the end of the tunnel after a long recession, when young people will be happy to take the decision to go to University without having to worry about the future. How long are we having to wait for the right things to happen?

Sunday 18 December 2011

Craciun Fericit alaturi de familie

Se apropie din nou Craciunul ceea ce inseamna ca e timpul sa ne strangem alaturi de familie in jurul bradului de Craciun. Familia e ceea mai importanta in aceste zile, ce poate fi mai frumos decat a avea pe cei dragi alaturi. Ma bucur pentru ca am alaturi familia cea draga, Ophelie si Myleene ne fac mandrii si ne aduc o groaza de bucurii. Tuturor celor care in aceste zile se vor indrepta spre familiile lor, le doresc toate cele bune si fie ca vremea sa nu va fie un impediment in calea spre cei dragi. Craciun Fericit si La Multi Ani tuturor celor dragi, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

Friday 2 December 2011

Europe and the Big Bang Theory

Europe remains the biggest subject of conversation for the political and economical stage of Britain. Politicians tend to blaim Europe for any irregularities, never the real perpetraitors. However Europe is the the crucial factor of stability for UK economy and the success of this country is chained to the old continent. What will be the next move of Germany and France? A more controlled EC economy with tight control and restrictions for inadequate borrowings are to be crucial for the stability of Europe. The big questions is what will Britain do, is she going to remain on the fence or will take the bull by the horns and get more involved if is to have any power of decision. The prime minister will have to decide if is ready to take Britain to the table where the "big boys" will decide the economical future of EC.

Wednesday 13 July 2011

O Vacanta mult asteptata

E in mijlocul verii si, spre deosebire de ceea ce se intampla pe continent si in Romania natala, in Anglia liceeni inca mai au de asteptat.  Asta inseamna ca, in cateva zile, vine vacanta "cu trenul din Franta".
E bizar cum a ajuns sa mi se potriveasca aceasta "vorba romaneasca".  In cateva zile, intr-o dimineata de vara eu si familia mea draga ne vom indrepta spre portul Portsmouth pentru a ne imbarca pentru La Belle France. Va fi pentru prima oara pentru fiica mea cea mica ca se va "incumeta" sa treaca canalul, urmand a debarca pe meleaguri normande.
E de asemenea pentru prima oara cand va putea inspira briza marii de la La Rochelle.  E nemaipomenit de bine sa fi si sa te simti cu adevarat in vacanta.
Pentru a respecta traditia multelor familii franceze si nu numai, va fi,  Bienvenue Chez Camping.
Sper ca veti putea sa va bucurati de o vacanta bine meritata si daca, aveti sau nu o familie, veti incerca sa fiti aproape, cat mai aproape de marea cea albastra si involburata.
Pana una alta va las si va doresc toate cele bune si concediu placut.

Monday 30 May 2011

What is the future going to bring

I am at the end of another bank holiday asking myself what is the future going to bring us.  We live in a world full of unpredictable and surprises and the only thing that we all love the most is our families.
We are stacked in this loop of jobs, home and holidays. Fortunately is that the stress of these loops have their relive valves, the holidays, when photos and films build up the history of a family.
I am waiting for the summer holiday at the end of another hard year, however I am still dreaming, like all of you, that will come that time when I will take my wife and travel, see all those cities that you always wanted to see.
But until then is time yo jump back into the loop.
Have a great week and all the very best!!!