Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Romania has failed again

Romania has failed again due to her old habit named corruption.  And its president comes to recognise that the report on Romania speaks the truth, however he is finding hard to accept it.
The most shameful fact is that her neighbour Bulgaria has passed her exam, leaving Romania to fight to recover and improve her image within the EU.
And all this after the Romanian president has been criticized  for his irresponsible decision to open the European gates to the moldovans.  Has he forgotten how hard and lengthy was the whole process for Romanian citizens to be accepted within the European working market.
These issues once again bring up the question regarding the capability of the Romanian government and its president to lead their country?
Most probably not.
Lets hope for the Romanian citizens that we are wrong.

Friday, 2 July 2010

Romania pe urmele Greciei?

Din pacate speranta de mai bine incepe sa dispara la majoritatea romanilor.
Saracia se aprofundeaza si clasa politica pare sa nu se sesizeze. Societatea corupta si plina de interese obscure face ca, clasa politica din opozitie sa ramana pasiva. Si oare de ce ar face ceva atata timp cat interesele de clan si de familie ii leaga de cei de la putere.
Nesimtirea a ajuns la rang de virtute pentru toata clasa politica.

Ce se va alege de Romania? Ce se va intampla in Romania in urmatorii cinci ani ramane de vazut. Solutia ar fi descentralizarea si independenta economica a Transilvaniei fata de celelalte regiuni. Nu stiu ce sa zic, oare chiar asta sa fie solutia, dar disperarea si nesimtirea nonsalanta a celor de la Bucuresti impinge la solutii extreme.

Sper ca intelectualitatea ardeleana sa ramana activa si sa nu treaca in nepasare, acceptand ceea ce se intampla in Romania.

Intrebarea care o pun este : Are Romania acel/acea conducator/conducatoare care sa salveze Romania din gura "hienelor" politice care au adus tara la dezastru economic si disperare?
Ramane de vazut si traim cu speranta.

Un weekend placut si toate cele bune.