Romania vazuta din strainatate Societate civila Actiune sau adormire si nepasare?
Sunday, 18 December 2011
Craciun Fericit alaturi de familie
Se apropie din nou Craciunul ceea ce inseamna ca e timpul sa ne strangem alaturi de familie in jurul bradului de Craciun. Familia e ceea mai importanta in aceste zile, ce poate fi mai frumos decat a avea pe cei dragi alaturi.
Ma bucur pentru ca am alaturi familia cea draga, Ophelie si Myleene ne fac mandrii si ne aduc o groaza de bucurii.
Tuturor celor care in aceste zile se vor indrepta spre familiile lor, le doresc toate cele bune si fie ca vremea sa nu va fie un impediment in calea spre cei dragi.
Craciun Fericit si La Multi Ani tuturor celor dragi, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!
Friday, 2 December 2011
Europe and the Big Bang Theory
Europe remains the biggest subject of conversation for the political and economical stage of Britain.
Politicians tend to blaim Europe for any irregularities, never the real perpetraitors.
However Europe is the the crucial factor of stability for UK economy and the success of this country is chained to the old continent.
What will be the next move of Germany and France? A more controlled EC economy with tight control and restrictions for inadequate borrowings are to be crucial for the stability of Europe.
The big questions is what will Britain do, is she going to remain on the fence or will take the bull by the horns
and get more involved if is to have any power of decision.
The prime minister will have to decide if is ready to take Britain to the table where the "big boys" will decide the economical future of EC.
Wednesday, 13 July 2011
O Vacanta mult asteptata

E bizar cum a ajuns sa mi se potriveasca aceasta "vorba romaneasca". In cateva zile, intr-o dimineata de vara eu si familia mea draga ne vom indrepta spre portul Portsmouth pentru a ne imbarca pentru La Belle France. Va fi pentru prima oara pentru fiica mea cea mica ca se va "incumeta" sa treaca canalul, urmand a debarca pe meleaguri normande.
E de asemenea pentru prima oara cand va putea inspira briza marii de la La Rochelle. E nemaipomenit de bine sa fi si sa te simti cu adevarat in vacanta.
Pentru a respecta traditia multelor familii franceze si nu numai, va fi, Bienvenue Chez Camping.
Sper ca veti putea sa va bucurati de o vacanta bine meritata si daca, aveti sau nu o familie, veti incerca sa fiti aproape, cat mai aproape de marea cea albastra si involburata.
Pana una alta va las si va doresc toate cele bune si concediu placut.
Monday, 30 May 2011
What is the future going to bring
I am at the end of another bank holiday asking myself what is the future going to bring us. We live in a world full of unpredictable and surprises and the only thing that we all love the most is our families.
We are stacked in this loop of jobs, home and holidays. Fortunately is that the stress of these loops have their relive valves, the holidays, when photos and films build up the history of a family.
I am waiting for the summer holiday at the end of another hard year, however I am still dreaming, like all of you, that will come that time when I will take my wife and travel, see all those cities that you always wanted to see.
But until then is time yo jump back into the loop.
Have a great week and all the very best!!!
We are stacked in this loop of jobs, home and holidays. Fortunately is that the stress of these loops have their relive valves, the holidays, when photos and films build up the history of a family.
I am waiting for the summer holiday at the end of another hard year, however I am still dreaming, like all of you, that will come that time when I will take my wife and travel, see all those cities that you always wanted to see.
But until then is time yo jump back into the loop.
Have a great week and all the very best!!!
Saturday, 30 April 2011
Romania in lupta cu Europa
E sambata dimineata si, ca de obicei, Ophelie ma trezeste la o ora matinala asa ca m-am apucat sa citesc ziarele din Romania on line si de asemenea sa citesc blogul analistului politic Rares Bogdan. In plus domnul Rares Bogdan apare la Realitatea de Cluj cu, comentarii politice. Cel mai recent este referitor la lupta "oarba" a lui Basescu cu marile puteri Europene.
Plecat din Romania de mai mult de 14 ani, stau si ma intreb cat va dura ca Romania sa ajunga sa aibe o conducere cu bun simt si inteligenta pentru ca, fostele guvernari si cea actuala nu au reusit sa inteleaga pana acum ca marile pouteri Europene au facut posibil aderararea Romaniei in Comunitatea Europeana si NATO. Au avut si interese economice si strategice dar ceea ce trebuie sa recunoastem e ca Romania nu poate intoarce spatele acestor tari cu influenta majora pe scena Europeana.
Si, ca sa ma intorc la domnul Rares Bogdan, este de admirat "lupta" sa jurnalistica impotriva acestor "paradoxuri" din viata politica a Romaniei.
Nerusinarea guvernantilor romani de a scoate de pe piata de investitii a marilor firme franceze nu se va lasa fara un raspuns din partea franceza.
Din pacate Romania are la conducerea guvernului o "marioneta" a carui sfori sunt controlate de "mafia" romana cu acordul continuu de la Cotroceni. Si cum reputatul rector clujean Marga spenea, romanii care lucreaza in aceste mari tari europene vor putea fi afectati ca urmare a acestor acte nesabuite a politicienilor romani.
Concluzia care o trag este ca proverbul "prostia si fudulia se platesc" este tot mai relevanta pentru acesti "cowboys" care conduc la ora actuala Romania si nu numai, pentru ca trebuie sa evidentiez ca, si opozitia are mare parte in aceste evenimente datorita neputintei lor de a fi o adevarata opozitie.
Un weekend placut si sa auzim numai de bine!!!
Plecat din Romania de mai mult de 14 ani, stau si ma intreb cat va dura ca Romania sa ajunga sa aibe o conducere cu bun simt si inteligenta pentru ca, fostele guvernari si cea actuala nu au reusit sa inteleaga pana acum ca marile pouteri Europene au facut posibil aderararea Romaniei in Comunitatea Europeana si NATO. Au avut si interese economice si strategice dar ceea ce trebuie sa recunoastem e ca Romania nu poate intoarce spatele acestor tari cu influenta majora pe scena Europeana.
Si, ca sa ma intorc la domnul Rares Bogdan, este de admirat "lupta" sa jurnalistica impotriva acestor "paradoxuri" din viata politica a Romaniei.
Nerusinarea guvernantilor romani de a scoate de pe piata de investitii a marilor firme franceze nu se va lasa fara un raspuns din partea franceza.
Din pacate Romania are la conducerea guvernului o "marioneta" a carui sfori sunt controlate de "mafia" romana cu acordul continuu de la Cotroceni. Si cum reputatul rector clujean Marga spenea, romanii care lucreaza in aceste mari tari europene vor putea fi afectati ca urmare a acestor acte nesabuite a politicienilor romani.
Concluzia care o trag este ca proverbul "prostia si fudulia se platesc" este tot mai relevanta pentru acesti "cowboys" care conduc la ora actuala Romania si nu numai, pentru ca trebuie sa evidentiez ca, si opozitia are mare parte in aceste evenimente datorita neputintei lor de a fi o adevarata opozitie.
Un weekend placut si sa auzim numai de bine!!!
Saturday, 9 April 2011
European Austerity made in Great Britain
The austerity measures have started to deepen within the British society and the same as else where in Europe the ones to be first affected are the ones that work within the public sector.
It looks that within the European Union only countries like Germany and France have not pursued major cuts in the public sector. The vote within UK was a vote for change, a vote to punish the labour government, in the end it was a vote which has led to a major disappointment, which will cause major unemployment for years to come.
We have countries like Greece, Ireland and now Belgium in the Western Europe and Hungary and Romania in the Eastern Europe which have had no alternatives than borrowing money from IMF and European Bank.
New taxation has been decided and Britain middle class will be the most affected, not to say that the ones that will suffer due to these "draconian" measures will be the new generation which will loose the child benefit.
The question on our lips is : What will be the next measure that the Tory Government will bring for our life's and society, the "Big Society" that David Cameron was so proudly talking about it.
Saturday, 29 January 2011
Life as it happens
Friends and family are always important and life has proved that you have to have both if is to leave in harmony.
It is always great to have fiends around at weekend and to see your family as often as you can, and not just at Christmas.
Friends and Family come to complete you as a person and in my country there is an old say "tell me who your fiends are, to tell you who you really are". I don't know if is always working, however is great to be able to count on your fiends.
When you finish a week of work is always great to spend some time with some friends and unwind.
We should all try to remember that life is wonderful when we are surrounded by the ones we love, family and friends.
It is always great to have fiends around at weekend and to see your family as often as you can, and not just at Christmas.
Friends and Family come to complete you as a person and in my country there is an old say "tell me who your fiends are, to tell you who you really are". I don't know if is always working, however is great to be able to count on your fiends.
When you finish a week of work is always great to spend some time with some friends and unwind.
We should all try to remember that life is wonderful when we are surrounded by the ones we love, family and friends.
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