Saturday 9 April 2011

European Austerity made in Great Britain

The austerity measures have started to deepen within the British society and the same as else where in Europe the ones to be first affected are the ones that work within the public sector.

It looks that within  the European Union only countries like Germany and France have not pursued major cuts in the public sector.  The vote within UK was a vote for change, a vote to punish the labour government, in the end it was a vote which has led to a major disappointment, which will cause major unemployment for years to come.
We have countries like Greece, Ireland  and now Belgium in the Western Europe and Hungary and Romania in the Eastern Europe which have had no alternatives than borrowing money from IMF and European Bank.
New taxation has been decided and Britain middle class will be the most affected, not to say that the ones that will suffer due to these "draconian" measures will be the new generation which will loose the child benefit.

The question on our lips is : What will be the next measure that the Tory Government will bring for our life's and society, the "Big Society" that David Cameron was so proudly talking about it.  

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